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Tikitoki desktop

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Punished by Tikki Tooki will make every monster have First strike. In the situation where this would cost you a win, the solutions are Tribute, desecration of another altar, and Consensus. If you are left with no exploration or lower-level monsters, you can lock yourself into a downward spiral of piety loss which can be really hard to get out of. Considering that he actually has very few ways to lose piety with, it is easier to avoid than it seems. Moreover, he will lowers 100% of your Dodge and remove all Poisonous should you have it. Punishment/Desecration Penalty - If your piety drops below zero, or if you desecrate his altar, he will give every monster First strike and Weakening blow, which is a severe punishment. Still, some cray builds can afford this penalty. First strike popcorns are not obvious, and you will be punished to kill them when you have less then 2. Compare this with the fact that you are allowed for two shots without preparation penalty. Even with your GETINDARE, you should kill your enemy in one shot to avoid piety loss. It requires you to be even more careful about fighting tough opponents. His preparation penalty can be really difficult to get around, and is widely considered to be the most taxing one. Preparation Penalty - His preparation penalty makes him punish you with -3 every time you get hit. Indulgences works good to prevent the piety loss due to death protections. This can lead to a rare situation where you get hit by a monster for the second time and expend a death protection, which causes you to lose 13 "at once". He won't punish the act of acquiring a death protection, but he will punish using it up. He also dislikes using a Death Protection, which he punishes with -10. If you don't get damaged, the piety penalty will not occur. This dislike can be avoided even if you join him early, by fighting higher-level monsters with the help of damage-dealing glyphs and First strike or Slowed, or some magics. Tikki Tooki punishes you for getting damaged by monsters more than once, so you get -3 every time you get hit by a monster after the first. You can also gain piety from him by using Tribute, which gives you +10 for 15. He also awards you +1 every time you poison a monster for the first time. He awards successful dodges (+3 ) and use of the WEYTWUT and WONAFYT glyphs (+1 ).

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Tikki Tooki gives +5 for killing monsters that are lower level than you. Tikki Tooki is uncovered in the south in a small subdungeon where you must defeat a form-changing imp without getting hit by it in return several times. On a less outrageous note, the fact that he lets you turn gold directly into piety enables some of the most advanced resource management antics in the game. The most experienced users can attest to the power of TT when used as the key element in outrageous combinations which can lead to boss kills at lvl 1. However, if you are out of piety you will be drawed into a endless downward spiral, and your run will be ended with his powerful punishment. He can also be of help to those seeking to fuel items which consume gold for activating their abilities, such as Crystal Ball or Alchemist Scroll. This makes him quite versatile both for purist runs (where gold is in short supply) and with heavy preparations (where you often have more than you can spend). He has a particular soft spot for gold, accepting it as tribute and granting it to faithful followers. Tikki Tooki is the trickster serpent god. Tribute Cost: 15 gold Effect: Gain 10 Tikki's Edge Cost: 25 (+25) Effect: Grants you Learning, gaining +1 additional experience from all kills, grants 10 Dodging Cost: 25 Effect: Increases your chance to Dodge by 10%, grants 10 Poison Cost: 15 (+10) Effect: Grants you 1 level of Poisonous Reflexes Cost: 35, 1 Health Potion Effect: Spawn one Reflex Potion & Quicksilver Potion near the altar. Take more than one hit from a monster: -3 per hit.Kill an XP-valuable enemy who is lower-level than you: +5.All damage taken will incur a piety penalty.All monsters on all dungeon floors gain First strike and Weakening blow Lowers Dodge chance by 100% and Poison Strike.

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